

IFIP Working Group 10.5 Minutes Meeting

San Francisco, 06/09/2015 (18:00-20:00)
In conjunction with DAC 2015


Notes taken by Srinivas Katkoori


Attendees: Kiyoung Choi, Matthew Guthaus, Michael Hübner, Takashi Kambe, Srinivas Katkoori, Martin Margala, Ricardo Reis   


Apologies: David Atienza, Juergen Becker, Dominique Borrione, Luc Claesen, Giovanni De Micheli, Nikil Dutt, Reiner Hartenstein, Odysseas Koufopavlou , Salvador Mir, Wolfgang Nebel, Ian O'Connor, Adam Pawlak, Franz Rammig, Flávio Rech Wagner, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Luis Miguel Silveira, Leandro Soares Indrusiak, Dimitrios Soudris,  Alexander Stempkovsky, Lionel Torres, Fatih Ugurdag, Eugenio Villar


Invited: Martin Margala, Ibrahim Elfadel, Naeyhyuck Chang, Jaan Raik, Kiyoung Choi



       Welcome Participants

       Minutes Grenoble meeting approved by e-mail by participants, see


       Update on the organization of VLSI-SOC 2015

       Update on the organization of VLSI-SOC 2016

       Proposals for the organization of VLSI-SOC 2017




Srinivas welcomed the attendees.


Approval of the minutes of Grenoble Meeting

Approved by the attendees, and posted on the web site of the WG.


Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2015 by Kiyoung Choi

     ( see attached slides)



Tallinn status of preparation  for VLSI-SoC 2016

No update for VLSI-SOC 2016


Proposals for VLSI-SoC 2017


Boston Proposal (Martin Margala)

     (see attached slides)

Dr. Martin Margala presented a proposal for VLSI-SOC 2017 to be held in Boston, Massachusetts.


Clearwater Proposal (Srinivas Katkoori)

     (see attached slides)

Srinivas Katkoori presented a proposal for VLSI-SOC 2017 to be held in Clearwater, Florida. 


Abu Dahbi Proposal (Ibrahim Elfadel)

    (see attached slides)

Ibrahim Elfadel was unable to attend the meeting due to a conflicting DAC poster session, but sent the slides afterwards.


Next meeting: Daejeon, South Korea, Venue of VLSI-SoC, October 2015